Viewing Post for: In the Footsteps of Buddha 2011

Date: September 9
Location: Kushingar, India. Site of Buddha's death.

Thank you for your blogs. It means a great deal to those here far from home. If you know of anyone who might want to follow, please let us know.

Messages for this post

For: Kate ken)

It woud be deepening to be able to understand their language and hear their stories....

Paula - 9/14/2011

For: To? Kate Lipsky

Hi Kate, Happy to hear all is going so well. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know this will be a wonderful experience for you. Tropical Storm Lee left us flooded in Upper Marlboro -- hope your weather is great. My telephone still not working so have to go else where is send email. Love you and miss. Carrie

From? Carrie - 9/12/2011

For: Kate Lipsky

Type your message here...For Kate...hello my love, your lookin peaceful and beautiful as always. I wish your journey to be fullfilling and spiritual in every sense of the word. Keep the photos coming and I love you madly & with all my heart! Glynna

Glynna Schlesinger - 9/11/2011

For: Kati Ho

What a great photo! It sounds likes you might be missing some of the comforts of the first world but if it makes you feel any better all of San Diego and parts of Arizona lost power for 9 hours. Doesn't seem like a big deal but created some real havoc locally. I realized how good maddy had it when I realized that when the power went out nothing really changed for her! Miss and love you. Rachel

Rachel - 9/11/2011

For: Joanna

It looks wonderful - wish I were with you. Hope feet bearing up!

Benedict - 9/9/2011

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